
MATI has been my sisters nickname for me, that I always found endearing, but also it means both mother and home in Croatian. This is seen in the designs and creative process, which is made to make you feel feminine, comfortable and embraced. MATI is founded in Denmark in 2020.

I started making crochet patterns in a time in my life where I was living with chronic debilitating anxiety due to complex PTSD that meant I could not be around other people. I found peace in solitude and being creative, but I couldn’t maintain a job, take an education or support myself financially for longer periods of time, I had never succeeded in working full-time either.

The patterns are both a result of this chaos (if you find mistakes or other deficiencies, this is why) but living in survival mode and making many mistakes along the way also meant that I learned to create easy designs, follow my intuition and experiment. I loved making feminine, soft, romantic and comfortable crochet items that would never go out of style.

Crocheting for a living – and being able to financially support myself – in turn meant finally being able to tap into my feminine energy; lean back, slow down, rest more and find everyday moments of positive sensations to make life worth living. Crochet was the gateway to being able to find more peace in my life, as I for the first time didn’t have to fight to fit in or feel inadequate in the workspace. I created my own way. Read more about my mission here.

I hope that slowing down with crochet and spending time with yourself also will help you feel more ease, comfort and loved as you are.

Feel free to reach out to me through the contact form or through Instagram.

If you want to support me check out this page.